Monday, September 19, 2016

It was a productive weekend for ministry. Several from the Church and myself caravanned up to Madison, Fl. for the 'Day at the Ranch,' a celebration of the ministry of the Fl. United Methodist Children's Home. The day included speakers, music, tours, food, and fellowship. Of course being from Madison I had to take my van full of passengers through the beautiful historic district of Madison and by our house to see where the Pastor and family hail from. I am very proud of the wonderful ministry being accomplished for the residents of the Children's Home in Madison, Fl. through the donations of the United Methodist Church of florida and all the many volunteers who serve these precious youth many lives are being saved and shaped for life.

After the worship service we enjoyed a catered dinner and informative presentation given by a local funeral home. Following dinner a group of us went to a local nursing home/rehab facility to share worship and the Word with them. Every third Sunday we go and sing hymns and I'll share the scriptures and an abbreviated Word from my Sermon. When I can't be there others from the Church step up and continue the ministry. The call to make disciples doesn't come with an age expiration date. We all need to worship and to grow in our faith together throughout all of life.