Last Wednesday we began a 10 week study of the Bible called 'Invitation.' This study was put together by one of my favorite seminary professors Dr. Brian Russell and takes participants on a journey from creation to new creation. We had a great experience together. First, we played a game, then watched Dr. Russell's video lesson, then discussed the teachings/learnings in small groups.
At the end of the session we closed with a challenge to invite/bring someone next week followed by praying for our Church family, friends, our community, and our world.
I don't know where you are geographically as you read this, so you may be outside of the reach of this particular study, But please know that God invites you continuously to a lifelong study of God's Word. As God's people we yearn to spend time with God to know God more intimately and to know that which we are called to be and to do.
At our Church we recently began a sermon series from the book of James entitled Back-2-Basics. The idea is for Christians to get back to the basics of knowing and following God in order that we might know and serve God better. The first Basic of the series was reading/studying God's Word the Scriptures. SO will you also accept the challenge to read and study God's Word? If so, also find others who you can join with. If you do…Your life, the life of others, and our world will be transformed. You're Invited.